Promoting generations
Shaping the future

Our principles

This mission statement stands for the AVP

As a social organization, we see it as our responsibility to play an active role in shaping social cohesion. As part of a nationwide network, we work to initiate sustainable change processes in our migration society. Our primary goal is to support people in their individual environments and with their resources so that they can develop the skills to shape their lives independently and in accordance with democratic values. We are committed to counteracting discrimination and promote experiences of self-efficacy and belonging in order to enable people to live together in solidarity. In the long term, we strive to enable the inclusion and participation of all people in our society, regardless of nationality, gender identity, religious affiliation, age or residence status.

Our team at AVP is characterized by targeted and creative action when it comes to overcoming challenges and helping to shape social change. As a learning organization, we always strive to respond innovatively to current developments and offer solutions that are geared towards the common good. Our commitment is based on the values of acceptance, trust and perspective, or AVP for short.

Who is the AVP? Find out more about us!

In the areas of democracy promotion, social affairs and humanitarian aid, we strengthen democratic skills, are committed to education, promote equal opportunities and provide sustainable support for people in need.

Our philosophy in application

How we implement our vision

As a non-governmental organization, we implement our work in the following ways:

Political education

In educational events, workshops and seminars, we sensitize young people and multipliers to group-focused enmity and educate them about the values of the free democratic basic order (fdGO). We design programs that promote social participation and civic engagement in order to support democratic processes and strengthen civil society.

Preventing extremism

Targeted prevention measures in the form of counselling services, street work and mentoring programmes enable us to identify potential radicalization tendencies and intervene in good time to protect people from group-focused enmity.

Intercultural dialog and cooperation

AVP promotes intercultural dialog and exchange between different population groups and religious communities in order to break down prejudices and improve mutual understanding. The AVP gives disadvantaged groups a voice and is committed to their visibility in order to promote their participation in society.

Social commitment

In an increasingly dynamic and culturally diverse world, our educational programs and counseling work at AVP aim to develop the key cognitive and social skills of children and adults and enable them to think and act responsibly. Our inclusive educational programs and advisory services are open to all people, regardless of special learning needs, gender, social and economic circumstances.

Humanitarian work

AVP supports people who find themselves in an emergency situation due to crises, conflicts, wars or natural disasters and are unable to cope on their own. The aim is to enable affected people to live in dignity and safety, alleviate their suffering and offer them prospects for the future. Through a holistic and coordinated approach, we contribute to realizing the values of inclusion, equal opportunities and equality.

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Geldspenden bitte an:

AVP-Akzeptanz, Vertrauen, Perspektive e.V
Geldinstitut: Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE62 3005 0110 1008 2788 87
Verwendungszweck: „Spende für die Ukraine“