Promoting democracy
Democracy is not a matter of course – it must be actively lived and shaped. At AVP, we are committed to a vibrant civil society and inclusive participation in social life.
Future-Proof Society
For solidarity with one another
Young people make our democracy fit for the future. It is therefore important to strengthen them in their maturity and to teach them skills that enable them to participate independently in our society. We are committed to promoting democracy through youth education projects and political education measures with the aim of strengthening basic democratic values and creating a solidary and participatory coexistence.
Our programs offer space for exchange on complex political issues and encourage people to develop their own points of view in an atmosphere of openness, respect and appreciation.
We actively oppose ideologies of inequality and promote a pluralistic society based on human rights.
We raise awareness of environmental protection, social justice and intercultural cooperation and thus promote global thinking and action.
AVP relies on
Through our political education measures and projects, we promote an understanding of the principles of freedom of expression, equal rights, the rule of law, tolerance and pluralism.
We encourage citizens to become actively involved in political processes, whether through voting, participating in public discussions or promoting their active participation in social decision-making processes.
We encourage citizens to work for the common good and to actively participate in shaping their living environment.
By demonstrating ways of political participation and educating people about anti-democratic ideologies, we contribute to the prevention of extremism and radicalization.
In view of the increasing diversity in modern societies, promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation is an important part of our promotion of democracy – in order to reduce prejudices and strengthen social cohesion.
For an active democracy
Political education
As a civil society organization, civic education is an important component of our work. By promoting democratic values, we encourage a culture of mutual respect and strengthen the basic principles of the democratic constitutional state. The ability to tolerate and deal constructively with conflict plays a decisive role in building a pluralistic society and protecting against anti-democratic tendencies.
In our projects, we not only impart knowledge about political issues, but also skills for self-determined action to enable political participation. We place a particular focus on young people: Through educational measures for young people, we sensitize them to various forms of discrimination, educate them about group-based misanthropy and provide them with tools to enable them to act and judge independently.
After all, political education is of enormous importance, especially for adolescents who are developing their own world view and finding their place in life. As AVP e.V., we have therefore developed special offers to reach young people where they are – be it on the Internet or in local social spaces. We offer them guidance and support so that they can find their own voice and actively participate in political processes.
Culture of remembrance
Culture of remembrance
Anti-discrimination initiatives
Anti-discrimination initiatives
Dialogic learning
Dialogic learning
European education
European education
Strengthening diversity for a tolerant society
Preventing extremism
Digital Streetwork
Digital Streetwork
Hate Speech
Hate Speech
Group-based misanthropy
Group-based misanthropy
Shaping diversity
Shaping diversity
News & Stories
Latest articles
New CEOPS Guide
Are you eager to take a stand against online hate but unsure where to start? Our new guide shows you how to engage effectively online: from understanding how social media
Certification of Our CEOPS Training Program
The CEOPS Online Training Program for Promoting Democracy and Preventing Extremism Online is now officially certified by Weiterbildung Hessen e.V. This makes our program part of a network of many
Navigating Digital Streets
On Thursday, November 14, 2024, the streetwork@online symposium, a project by AVP e.V., took place under the title “Navigating Digital Streets: Methods and Perspectives in Online Extremism Prevention” at the
Spotlight on Our Project streetwork@online
he streetwork@online project has been actively engaged in the prevention of Islamist extremism since 2023, utilizing the method of outreach-based digital social work. In recent months, our project has continually