Humanitarian aid

Our humanitarian aid measures are designed to ensure the protection and care of people in humanitarian emergencies.

Standing by those affected

Support in times of conflict and war

Our organization provides fast and effective aid, be it through the delivery of relief supplies, reconstruction aid on the ground or support structures for refugees in Germany. We are committed to alleviating human suffering and preserving the dignity of individuals in crisis situations, supported by ongoing research and the development of best practices in humanitarian aid.

We strive to make our assistance as effective as possible. In doing so, we do not view those affected by hardship as passive recipients, but as active agents of their own actions. It is important to us to support them in taking their lives back into their own hands.

Our humanitarian work is guided by internationally recognized humanitarian principles such as humanity, impartiality, independence, and neutrality.

We also adhere to the Twelve Basic Rules of Humanitarian Aid Abroad and the Code of Conduct of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

We place great value on openness and transparency in our work and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of our aid measures.

Our current contribution

UkraineHelp Düsseldorf

International Alliance for the People of Ukraine

Achieving great things together

Every contribution counts

With your donation you support our humanitarian aid. AVP – Akzeptanz, Vertrauen, Perspektive e.V. IBAN: DE29 3005 0110 1009 0781 79 BIC: DUSSDEDDXXX Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf

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AVP-Akzeptanz, Vertrauen, Perspektive e.V
Geldinstitut: Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE62 3005 0110 1008 2788 87
Verwendungszweck: „Spende für die Ukraine“